1.) Clinical Guidelines
These guidelines are intended for use by healthcare providers caring for recently arrived immigrant children in their practice. Please use it as a reference, not as a replacement of clinical judgment. Each child is unique and may have specific needs.
- Clinical Guidelines from KY AAP
- References/Resources
- Alternative Medicine Resources
- CareRef is a tool that guides clinicians through conducting a routine post-arrival medical screening of a newly arrived refugee to the U.S.
- AAP Immigrant Child Health Resources – resources for pediatricians and AAP Policy Statements on Immigrant Children.
2.) Provider Tools
- Refugee health screening provider guide
- Exam room pictorials to print/laminate and use during visits
- Quick guidance on presumptive treatment for infectious diseases
- LTBI treatment tools
- Country specific profiles
- Vaccine guidance
- Clinic design models
- Resilience for providers
- All resources by language
- Health Literacy Handouts
- Introduction to U.S. healthcare system, dental care, lead exposure, nutrition, injury prevention, kindergarten readiness
- Free literacy resources in other languages
4.) Mental Health Resources
- Autism Resources
- Mental Health and Developmental Screeners in Various Languages
- Variety of commonly used screeners (MCHAT, PEDS, PHQ9, PSC, SCARED, Vanderbilt, RHS-15) and some very good but less common screeners (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, SWYC) with scoring guide added.
5.) Social Services
- 2-1-1 Help Center
Nationwide service to connect to community resources.
Locate local resources by entering zip code or city & state. - Office of Refugee Resettlement Call Center
For any unaccompanied minor (age <18yo when entered country without a legal guardian present, and apprehended at the border) HELPLINE 1 (800) 203-7001| information@ORRNCC.com - Kentucky Refugee and Government Agencies
- Food Pantries and Banks
- Community Organizations
- Access to public benefits in Kentucky
- Louisville community resources
- HANDS program
- Community Response Coalition KY
- This organization offers wraparound care and legal immigration services to Kentucky immigrants. They also maintain up-to-date, multilingual community resource directories.
6.) Legal Services
7.) Language Services/Interpretation