Dedicated to the health and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
Medical Students
Medical Students
Welcome to the KY AAP Medical Students page! There are three medical schools in Kentucky, University of Louisville School of Medicine, University of Kentucky School of Medicine and University of Pikeville Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine. Each school has a Pediatric Clerkship Director and a Pediatric Interest Group. The KY Chapter, AAP is in contact with each school through various relationships and activities. Examples of activities engaging medical students have been Pediatric Career Day and Pediatric Advocacy Day in the state capitol. Medical Students are welcome to attend any of the KY AAP events free of charge. For more information on opportunities for medical students with the KY Chapter, contact us.
The AAP is organized into state chapters and chapters are clustered into districts. Kentucky is in District IV. Connect with your national AAP District IV Section on Pediatric Trainees (SOPT) medical student representative here.