Kentucky Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
Dedicated to the health and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
The Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics established an annual award to be given to a member of the chapter whose work exemplifies that of Don Cantley, MD, FAAP, a former president of the Chapter, and CATCH coordinator. Dr. Cantley devoted his life to improving the physical and mental health of children in his community of Henderson, KY. He established seven school-based clinics to provide care for children with inadequate health coverage or other barriers to care and he was a pioneer in his approach to caring for children with behavioral disorders. Never tiring, he continued to work until a few days before his death at the age of 82. His commitment to the children and families in his community and his passion for the practice of pediatrics, made him one of the most influential and important physicians to ever practice in the Commonwealth.
2024 Melissa Dennison, MD
2023 Andrea Krause, MD
2022 Larry Scott, MD
2021 Carmel Wallace, MD, FAAP
2020 No award presented due to Covid-19
2019 Joseph Lee, MD, FAAP
2018 Stephen Church, MD, FAAP
2017 Ron Morton, MD
2016 William L Underwood, MD, FAAP
2015 Maria F. Nota, MD, FAAP
2014 John L. Jenkins, MD
2013 Robert Baumann, MD, FAAP
2012 Ronald Lehocky, MD, FAAP
2011 Tom Young, MD, FAAP
2010 Julia Richerson, MD, FAAP
2009 James Hedrick, MD, FAAP
2008 Clegg Austin, MD, FAAP
2007 Hatim Omar, MD, FAAP
2006 Tom Pinkstaff, MD, FAAP
The Friend of the Children Award is presented annually to a formidable advocate pediatrician and/or child health advocate from the field of government, public health, media, advocacy, etc. who has made outstanding contributions to the health and safety of children.
2024 Dr. Michael Kuduk
2023 Dr. Christopher Bolling
2022 Governor Andy Beshear
2021 Patricia Purcell, MD, MBA, FAAP
2020 No award presented due to Covid-19
2019 Tom Inman
2018 Senator Julie Adams
2017 Senator Danny Carroll
2016 Susan Zepeda, PhD
2015 Stephen Wright, MD FAAP
2014 Terry Brooks, PhD
2013 Therese Sirles, RN
2012 William Hacker, MD, FAAP
2011 Dawn Long
2010 Representative Addia Wuchner
2009 Ruth Ann Shepherd, MD, FAAP
2008 Representative Tom Burch
2007 Steve Davis, MD, FAAP
2006 Charles Taylor, MD, FAAP
Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
420 Capital Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-875-2205