Help Me Grow-Commonly Asked Questions:
How Can Help Me Grow Serve You and Your Patients?
Help Me Grow is a statewide FREE helpline designed to connect healthcare providers and their patients, 0-5, to information about child development and community resources.
Does Help Me Grow Provide Direct Services?
Help Me Grow does not provide direct services. It is a service help line designed to assist you with adherence to the AAP recommendation that all infants and young children be screened regularly for delays.
How Does the Program Work in My Office?
Pediatric practices can choose how best to integrate distribution of screening tools and/or Help Me Grow prescriptions into their office systems. After determining a target screening age for each office, screenings can be completed online or in office. In office screenings can be faxed to the Help Me Grow office where they will be scored. If a child requires referral to services, the Help Me Grow staff will connect that child to services and communicate with the referring physician.
What Follow Up Actions From Help Me Grow Can Families Expect?
Once a child is entered into the Help Me Grow database, families will automatically receive reminders of future screening intervals with access to the appropriate screening tools online.
What Screening Tools Does Help Me Grow Utilize?
Help Me Grow utilizes the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ3 & ASQSE)
What are the AAP Guidelines?
The AAP recommends the use of surveillance at all well-child visits and the use of a formal screening tool at 2, 9, 12, 18, 24 and 30 month well-child visits.
How Can I Get Started? (Temporarily Suspended Until Further Notice)
STEP 1: Watch This 5 minute Overview Video
STEP 2: (Temporarily Suspended Until Further Notice) Complete This Enrollment Form (Completed by the practice lead physician)
STEP 3: (Temporarily Suspended Until Further Notice) Attend a 1 hour Help Me Grow Orientation Webinar (Provider Summary)
STEP 4: Order Help Me Grow Office Materials
STEP 5: Integrate Into Your Office System
Additional Educational Resources
• Developmental Screening
Help Me Grow PLUS MOC-Commonly Asked Questions:
What is the difference between Help Me Grow and Help Me Grow PLUS MOC?
Help Me Grow PLUS MOC includes most of the components outlined in the Help Me Grow program. In order to receive MOC and CME credits, the following additional requirements are necessary:
• Lead Physician Registration with the National Help Me Grow MOC program
• Payment of a $50 Fee Per Physician (1/2 of that fee will be reimbursed by KY AAP)
• Complete the Project-Specific Training Overview Online
• Complete 1 QI Methodology Online Training
• Complete 6 Data Cycles, 20 charts per month (this project lasts 6 months)
• Document 4 Internal Team Meetings
• Participate in Monthly Calls
How Many and What Kind of Credit Will I receive?
25 Points Towards ABP Part IV Maintenance of Certification
12 Continuing Medical Education Credits
How Can I Get Started?
STEP 1: Watch This 5 minute Overview Video
STEP 2: Complete The National Registration Form (Completed by the practice lead physician)
STEP 3: Complete The Training Overview
STEP 4: Order Help Me Grow Office Materials
STEP 5: Identify Target Screen Age and Integrate Into Your Office System
STEP 6: Enter 20 Charts Per Month for a 6 Month Period
STEP 7: Participate in Monthly Calls
STEP 8: Complete Attestation Forms
STEP 9: Request CME Credits
Additional Educational Resources